
Posts Tagged ‘28 Days Later’


I’ve compiled my list of my favorite movies of the decade. It’s a top 10 list, but you may notice that there’s more than 10 movies listed. Don’t worry. The numbers don’t lie. What we have here is simply the overwhelming presence of the literary device I like to call, “the tie.”

So, here it goes. Pratfalls of the Macabre’s top 10 films of the decade. In order from the best.

1. Mystic River (minus the last 10 minutes…which, are horrible).
2. The Departed/All three Lord of the Rings movies (a tie!)
3. No Country For Old Men/O Brother Where Art Thou/The Man Who Wasn’t There (a tie!)
4. Let the Right One In/City of God/A Very Long Engagement (a tie!)
5. Match Point/Closer (a tie!)
6. In America
7. In Bruge/Brick/Perfume (a tie!)
8. 28 Days Later/Sunshine (2007)/The Beach (a tie!)
9. Batman Begins/The Dark Knight (a tie!)
10. Inglorious Basterds/The Hurt Locker (a tie!)


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